NANA ANSA SASRAKU I Nana Ansa Sasraku I (16? – 1689) was the ruler of Akwamu, a Twi speaking state in what is now south-eastern Ghana. He built it into a wealthy and powerful empire.  The date of the beginning of his rule is uncertain, but it may have been in the early part of […]


SIR CHARLES WILLIAM TACHIE-MENSON Sir Charles William Tachie-Menson (1889 – October 17, 1962), who had a distinguished career in public service, was the first African Chairman of the Public Service Commission (from 1960 onwards, the Civil Service Commission). He was born at Butre, in the Ahanta Area, in the southwest corner of what is now […]


SITOBU Sitobu, who flourished around 1450, was the first Ya Na (paramount chief) of the kingdom of Dagomba in what is now northeastern Ghana which he found some time during the second half of the 15th century.  According to the oral traditions of Dagomba, he had disputed the election of his elder brother, Tohugu (q. […]


NANA ATTAFUA Nana Attafua (18? – September 1927) contributed to the economic and social progress of Akyem Kotoku state, located about 45 mi (72 km) north-north-northwest of the port of Winneba in what is now southern Ghana, during his long reign, which extended over almost half a century. During the first five years of his […]


NA ATABIA Na Atabia (16? -1741) was the 17th Nayiri (paramount chief) of Mamprusi, in what is now northeastern Ghana, who reigned for more than half a century (1688-1741), and was responsible for the phenomenal expansion of that kingdom. At the beginning of his reign, Mamprusi (called Mamprugu in the local language) was a fairly […]